
Subnautica falling out of cyclops
Subnautica falling out of cyclops

subnautica falling out of cyclops subnautica falling out of cyclops

This happened multiple times right off the safe shallows on the edge of the kelp forest near the lava vent. Upon reaching the ocean floor there's a splash animation and I'm once again correctly recognized as being in water and can swim. During the duration of the fall I'm in air gravity (can breathe etc.) and fall to the ocean floor like I'm falling off a cliff on an island.

subnautica falling out of cyclops

This has NOT happened while at the controls yet. I essentially teleport through the glass and wind up right on the other side of it. I've "fallen" out of the front window and hit the ocean bottom. So far I've added near a dozen wall mounted storage lockers to the lower deck, a few on the upper deck, a fabricator, battery charger, numerous pots and an interior growbed. This sometimes seemed to follow interaction with interior items I've built via the habitat builder, specifically interior grow beds above the cyclops dock. Happens with or without a Seamoth docked. Occurrences so far as follows and most were preceded by the cyclops jittering and my character sliding across the interior decks slowly. I've had this happen multiple times already within an hour of building the cyclops. It treated the drop as if I were falling off a mountain on dry land. If I were less health conscious and was not at full health when this occured, I would have died. I'm wondering what type of glitch/bug might cause this. Cutting to the end, I fell out of the cyclops 3 times before I could get the module installed and the cyclops under way.

subnautica falling out of cyclops

I began to notice that my cyclops was moving, kind of like the way lifepod 5 now moves with the waves, but didn't think anything of it until I found myself dropping to the bottom of the cavern, no longer safely aboard my cyclops. So I backed up into a cavern, collected the materials from my lockers, and proceeded to fabricate the module. Once I got down to 501 meters, my cyclops dutifully reminded me that I had not yet installed the necessary depth module to go deeper. I was using the entrance near lifepod 2 through the blood kelp. I finally farmed enough material for bases in the Lost River and Ghost Tree areas. I'm doing "no cheats" play through on stable 55670(?), can never remember the number. This is going to be a bit lengthy because I'm going to have to give a bit of background.

Subnautica falling out of cyclops